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Item Total 66 ( 66 ǰ Ǿϴ.)
[E-book] 2019 ACA (Architecture Competition Annual) 12
US $78, KR \80,000 US $59, KR \56,000
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constr... å 󼳰踦 Ͽ ǥ 缱, ų 2Ǿ ׸ Ͽ . 缱 ๰̴.
[E-book] 2019 ACA (Architecture Competition Annual) 11
US $78, KR \80,000 US $59, KR \56,000
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constr... å 󼳰踦 Ͽ ǥ 缱, ų 2Ǿ ׸ Ͽ . 缱 ๰̴.
[E-book]Interior World 166
US $40, KR \36,400
Education & Clinic & Ƿü
[E-book] Interior World 165
US $40, KR \36,400
[E-book] Interior World 164
US $40, KR \36,400
[E-book] Interior World 163
US $40, KR \36,400
[E-BOOK] 2018 Architecture Competition Annual
US $55, KR \52,500
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constr... å 󼳰踦 Ͽ ǥ 缱, ų 2Ǿ ׸ Ͽ . 缱 ๰̴.
[E-BOOK] 2018 Architecture Competition Annual
US $55, KR \52,500
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constr... å 󼳰踦 Ͽ ǥ 缱, ų 2Ǿ ׸ Ͽ . 缱 ๰̴.
[E-book] Interior World 162
US $40, KR \36,400
[E-book] Interior World 161
US $40, KR \36,400
[E-book]Detail Plus
US $60, KR \56,000
Detail Plus is a two-volume reference that includes the residential, commercial, restaurant and leisure works of high quality and details. Focusing on recently built projects, i... ǵ ÷(Detail+)Ǵ ְ, , , Ƽ ǰ ó ̴ ǰ ѵ ǿ δ. ֱ ϰ ǰ ߽ ų 2Ǿ , ...
[E-book]Detail Plus
US $60, KR \56,000
Detail Plus is a two-volume reference that includes the residential, commercial, restaurant and leisure works of high quality and details. Focusing on recently built projects, i... ǵ ÷(Detail+)Ǵ ְ, , , Ƽ ǰ ó ̴ ǰ ѵ ǿ δ. ֱ ϰ ǰ ߽ ų 2Ǿ , ...
[E-Book] Landscape World 72
US $23, KR \22,400
[E-Book] Landscape World 72
[E-Book] Landscape World 71
US $23, KR \22,400
[E-Book] Landscape World 71
[E-Book] I-Housing 3
US $185, KR \198,000 US $138, KR \138,600
IHOUSING where one can grasp the global housing trend holds 23 Europe, 34 America, 14 Oceania, 36 Asia and 18 apartment houses, total of 125 recently completed works. This ... IHOUSING ֱ ϰ 23, Ƹ޸ī 34, ƴϾ 14, ƽþ 36, 18 125 ǰ ִ. å ٲ, ޼ӵ ذ ...
[E-Book] 2017 Architecture Competition Annual VII
US $43, KR \45,000
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constr...
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