Today View
( 1 )

PA(Pro architects) NO.15
List Price US $50, KR \50,000
Net Price US $40, KR \40,000
Size 22cm x 30cm
Pages 240
Color Full Color
Language English, Korean
Cover Hard cover
ISBN 978-89-87223-15-9

The works life and the concept of Architect which represent whose dramatic, extraordinarily dynamic drawing

and, by relating whose design process to become an international publishing.

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A body image beyond the modern Ѿ ̹
Is there residential architecture without criticality? / Toyo Ito 򼺾 ð ִ°? /
An architect of our era / Choi, Moon Gyu 츮ô డ / ֹ
Interview/ Toyo Ito + PA ͺ/ +PA
S House in Oguni S Ͽ콺
Community & Day Care Center In Yokohama ϸ б, Ŀ´Ƽ (սü)
Dome in Odate ٶ
Ota-ku Resort Complex in Nagano Ÿ Ʈ մ
Notsuharu Town Hall Ϸ Ÿ Ȧ
T-House in Yutenji T Ͽ콺

T Hall in Taisha Ÿ̻ TȦ
Agricultural Park in Oita Ÿ
Mediatheque Project in Sendai ̵ũ Ʈ
Expo 2000 Hannover(Health Futures) ϳ EXPO 2000
Center for the Contemporary Art, Rome θ ̼
Crystal Ballpark (The Seoul Dome Competition) ũŻ ( )
BIS(The Bank of International Settlements) Extension Project, Basle   BIS Ȯ Ʈ
