"Monthly Archiworld" was presently published since its first publication in 1995 and it plays the leading role to distribute the most convenient and useful architectural technology and culture.
It is a specialized architecture&design magazine that is distributed to the entire world in Korean and English and provides systematic and in-depth information that is approved throughout the world.
< ༼> 1995 ù â Ⱓǿ , ϰ ǿ ȭ Ұϴ 弭 ϰ ִ.
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Special Architect of the Month_CA PLAN ̴ǰడ_÷ Design & Detail BEAT 360 Ʈ 360 Design & Detail Design & Detail YISS 걹б Design & Detail Design & Detail Daejeon Galleria Timeworld Ÿӿ Design & Detail Aqua Wheel NCSOFT Lobby Ʈ κ The shell Mapo Aekyung Town ְŸ Design & Detail Ayanggichatgil ƾ Design & Detail PETAL Ż
Theme_Suburban House _
Design & Detail THE RAUM Design & Detail
L House L Ͽ콺
Design & Detail Seongdeok-ri Brick House Design & Detail
Design & Detail Hyangrin House ⸰ Design & Detail
Design & Detail K House K Design & Detail
Design & Detail SLOPE HOUSE Ͽ콺 Design & Detail
Eco-Friendly Energy Self-Sufficient Village Foresta ģȯ ڸ Ÿ
New Works
Series_Interview with Director of Daejeon Institute of Design Promotion ȹ_ ͺ
Daejeon Institute of Design Promotion
Al Musallah Prayer Hall
Design & Detail Banghak 2-dong Community Facility 2 Ӹ ̿ü Design & Detail
Design & Detail Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital ̴뼭ﺴ Design & Detail
Design & Detail Nanjing Galaxy Kindergarten ¡ ġ Design Design & Detail
Wormhole Library_Winner Ȧ _1
KPX Jeju Headquarters District office_Winner °ŷ ֺ_1
Galma-dong Complex Community Center_Winner Ŀ´Ƽ_1
Spec list η: ð