C&C (Competition & Complete) Vol.4 ( Vol.4) |
US $112, KR \112,000 US $95, KR \95,200 |
For the first time in publication, excellent works were carefully selected from among the winning works of domestic and foreign design competitions, and the plans and completed ... |
ʷ . 缱 ǰ Ͽ ȹȰ ϼ ν ȹ ϰ κ Ѵ ֵ Ͽ.
ǰ ... |
C&C (Competition & Complete) Vol.3 ( Vol.3) |
US $112, KR \112,000 US $95, KR \95,200 |
For the first time in publication, excellent works were carefully selected from among the winning works of domestic and foreign design competitions, and the plans and completed ... |
ʷ . 缱 ǰ Ͽ ȹȰ ϼ ν ȹ ϰ κ Ѵ ֵ Ͽ.
ǰ ... |
C&C (Competition & Complete) Vol.2 ( Vol.2) |
US $112, KR \112,000 US $95, KR \95,200 |
For the first time in publication, excellent works were carefully selected from among the winning works of domestic and foreign design competitions, and the plans and completed ... |
ʷ . 缱 ǰ Ͽ ȹȰ ϼ ν ȹ ϰ κ Ѵ ֵ Ͽ.
ǰ ... |
C&C (Competition & Complete) Vol.1 ( Vol.1) |
US $112, KR \112,000 US $95, KR \95,200 |
For the first time in publication, excellent works were carefully selected from among the winning works of domestic and foreign design competitions, and the plans and completed ... |
ʷ . 缱 ǰ Ͽ ȹȰ ϼ ν ȹ ϰ κ Ѵ ֵ Ͽ.
ǰ ... |
- .ڸ / ȵ ٴٿ ǰ м |
US $, KR \25,000 US $, KR \22,500 |
衻 .ڸ(Le Corbusier) ȵ ٴٿ() ǰ м 踦 ϴ ð Ͽ ֵ å̴.
... |
PA(Pro Architect) No.53 |
US $73, KR \73,500 US $62, KR \62,500 |
Jeong Inho (Rep. of Korea) - Shinhan Architect |
ȣ (ѱ) - Ѱ繫 |
US $210, KR \220,000 US $179, KR \187,000 |
Archiworlds Iseries has been consistently loved by readers by introducing themed buildings with many photographs, diagrams, and drawings. IEDUCATION provides a deeper u... |
༼ Iø dz , ̾, ڷ Բ Ұϸ ڵ ƿԴ. IEDUCATION 30, ġ 20, б 17, & 16... |
2024 NEW ACA (Architecture Competition Annual, ༳) 1 |
US $145, KR \145,000 US $123.5, KR \120,000 |
This book introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present by theme and the entry works will be constructed in near f... |
å 踦 Ͽ ǥ 缱, ų Ͽ . 缱 ̴. |
Middle East 100 Architecture_ߵ100(ذ&ȹ) |
US $240, KR \240,000 US $198, KR \198,000 |
The content of is the brainchild of brilliant works of reputed International and Arab individuals and consultant offices from around the Middle East / the world.
This volume... |
ߵ 100 ߵ 繫 پ ǰ ̵ ٷ åԴϴ.
̷ο 谡 ݿ ذ۰ ȹ ü ... |
2023 ACA ༳ (Architecture Competition Annual) 19, 20 (set) |
US $156, KR \160,000 US $132, KR \136,000 |
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constr... |
å 踦 Ͽ ǥ 缱, ų 2Ǿ Ͽ . 缱 ̴. |
US $86, KR \86,000 US $70, KR \70,000 |
COMMERCIAL 44 HOUSING introduces 44 works of commercial housing in Korea along with photographs, drawings, diagrams, and sketches.
It is expected that it will inspire the arc... |
COMMERCIAL 44 HOUSING 44 ǰ , , ̾, ġ Բ ҰѴ.
ܼ μ Ѿ ָ Ÿ ݿ ... |
US $86, KR \86,000 US $70, KR \70,000 |
SUBURBAN 50 HOUSING contains 50 works of country houses, villas, and luxury houses in various regions such as Asia, Europe, and America, along with photos, drawings, diagrams,... |
SUBURBAN 50 HOUSING ƽþ, , Ƹī پ ִ , , 50 ǰ , , ̾, ġ Բ Ͽ. |
Top Design of Small Project 3 (.ұԸ 3) |
US $140, KR \140,000 US $120, KR \120,000 |
Top Design of Small Project 3 was curated and selected for 76 projects with a total floor area of less than 6,000.
The motto of the book is to promote the value of the data ... |
.ұԸ 3 켱 2 1õ 1 ̻ ϴ ༭ ɡ 2020 ʿ , 6,0... |
2022 ACA ༳ (Architecture Competition Annual) 17, 18 (set) |
US $156, KR \160,000 US $132, KR \136,000 |
These series introduce lots of awarded and high ranking works of Annual Architectural Competition. Every year, we present two volumes by theme and the entry works will be constr... |
å 踦 Ͽ ǥ 缱, ų 2Ǿ Ͽ . 缱 ̴. |
US $195, KR \208,000 US $150, KR \160,000 |
Recently, due to formation of various residential areas in the city, the demand for practical neighborhood living facilities that help the living convenience of the residents ar... |
ֱ پ ְ ֹε Ȱ Ǹ ǿ ٸȰü 䰡 ð ִ.
̿ ༼ е ֵ û Ծ IURBAN ... |
US $195, KR \208,000 US $150, KR \160,000 |
Archiworld publishes ISMALL APARTMENT with the support of readers and requests from clientsrapid increase in single-person households and the unresolved urban housing shortage... |
ISMALL APARTMENT 1 Ҿ ؼҵ ʴ ְų ұԸ , ǿ̰ ո û ݿϿ.
ֱ ... |
2020 ι EXPO 2020 DUBAI |
US $130, KR \135,000 US $110, KR \115,000 |
The 69th EXPO 2020 DUBAI will be held for the first time in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia.
We hope you can look into the role of the architectural elements of the pavi... |
69ȸ ϴ ̹ < 2020 ι> ߵ, ī ƽþ ó ֵ˴ϴ. ȭհ ӿ ٸ ִ ĺ Ұ ϴ... |
Top Design of Small Project 2 (.ұԸ 2) |
US $140, KR \140,000 US $120, KR \120,000 |
Top Design of Small Project 2 was curated and selected for 56 outstanding Korean projects and 30 global projects with a total floor area of less than 6,000.
The motto of the... |
.ұԸ 2 켱 2 1õ 1 ̻ ϴ ༭ ɡ 2020 ʿ , 6,0... |