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Architecture (35)
Item Total 5 ( 5 ǰ Ǿϴ.)
I-Small Building
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000
This book is published as a series of < I⋅SMALL BUILDING>, the book published and greatly applauded by readers last year. It focuses on small and medium-sized structures w... å ߰Ǿ ڵ ũ ū ົ < I⋅SMALL BUILDING> ļ ߰Ǿ. Ը ࿡ Ͽ Ը ߼ұԸ ๰ ...
׸ Ű Theme Architecture 1~6
US $76, KR \72,000 US $63, KR \60,000
TA(Theme Architecture) Series is a work collection by themes, in order to provide in-depth information for architecture we can see around. This book is planned as a series con... 츮 ֺ ִ ๰ ɵִ ϰ ׸ ǰ TA(Theme Architecture/׸ ) Series ߰ߴ. å ֱ ϰǰ ...
I-Small Culture
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000
I-Small Culture introduces a total of 89 works consisting of 32 museums, 19 galleries, 22 performance halls, 16 culture centers. A lot of pictures, planes, elevations and sect... ISmall Culture ڹ 32, 19, 22, ȭ 16 89 ǰ Ͽ 뵵 ǰ 캼 ְ ߴ. , ǰ 10~15 ܺ ...
I-FOCUS , (Set)
[Concept, Diagram & Facade, Detail]
US $320, KR \320,000 US $218, KR \217,600
The new edition of " I-FOCUS , " introduces 132 projects of Housing∙Commerce∙Office∙Culture∙Education and Public facility recently completed in the wor... Ⱓ " I-FOCUS , " ֱ ϰ 132 ְ∙∙ǽ∙ȭ∙∙ü Ұϰ ִ. ࿡ ־ , ̾׷...
A-Detail (6.vols) set
US $558, KR \528,000 US $279, KR \264,000
"A-Detail" maximizes differentiation from other single books by adding a high level of detailed materials which cannot be easily found on the internet as well as basic materials... "A-Detail" ֱ ϰ ǹ Ͽ ๰ ܺ ̹, , Ը, ܸ, ̾׷ ⺻ ڷ ƴ϶ ͳݿ ...
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