US $86, KR \86,000 US $70, KR \70,000 |
COMMERCIAL 44 HOUSING introduces 44 works of commercial housing in Korea along with photographs, drawings, diagrams, and sketches.
It is expected that it will inspire the arc... |
COMMERCIAL 44 HOUSING 44 ǰ , , ̾, ġ Բ ҰѴ.
ܼ μ Ѿ ָ Ÿ ݿ ... |
Ʈ1_ // SUBURBAN 50 HOUSING     |
US $86, KR \86,000 US $70, KR \70,000 |
SUBURBAN 50 HOUSING contains 50 works of country houses, villas, and luxury houses in various regions such as Asia, Europe, and America, along with photos, drawings, diagrams,... |
SUBURBAN 50 HOUSING ƽþ, , Ƹī پ ִ , , 50 ǰ , , ̾, ġ Բ Ͽ. |
AW ༼ (Archiworld)   |
US $320, KR \320,000 US $0, KR \0 |
"Monthly Archiworld" has presently published since its first publication in 1995 and it plays the leading role in distributing the most convenient and useful architectural techn... |
< ༼> 1995 ù â Ⱓǿ , ϰ ǿ ȭ Ұϴ 弭 ϰ ִ.
迡 Ǵ & , ... |
US $195, KR \208,000 US $150, KR \160,000 |
Recently, due to formation of various residential areas in the city, the demand for practical neighborhood living facilities that help the living convenience of the residents ar... |
ֱ پ ְ ֹε Ȱ Ǹ ǿ ٸȰü 䰡 ð ִ.
̿ ༼ е ֵ û Ծ IURBAN ... |
I-SMALL APARTMENT (ټ롤ٰȰ,ǽ,ֻ,Ʈ)    |
US $195, KR \208,000 US $150, KR \160,000 |
Archiworld publishes ISMALL APARTMENT with the support of readers and requests from clientsrapid increase in single-person households and the unresolved urban housing shortage... |
ISMALL APARTMENT 1 Ҿ ؼҵ ʴ ְų ұԸ , ǿ̰ ո û ݿϿ.
ֱ ... |
I-Small Building    |
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000 |
This book is published as a series of < I⋅SMALL BUILDING>, the book published and greatly applauded by readers last year. It focuses on small and medium-sized structures w... |
å ߰Ǿ ڵ ũ ū ົ < I⋅SMALL BUILDING> ļ ߰Ǿ. Ը Ͽ Ը ұԸ ... |
Ű Theme Architecture 1~6    |
US $76, KR \72,000 US $63, KR \60,000 |
TA(Theme Architecture) Series is a work collection by themes, in order to provide in-depth information for architecture we can see around. This book is planned as a series con... |
츮 ֺ ִ ɵִ ϰ ǰ TA(Theme Architecture/ ) Series ߰ߴ. å ֱ ϰǰ ... |
I-Small Culture    |
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000 |
I-Small Culture introduces a total of 89 works consisting of 32 museums, 19 galleries, 22 performance halls, 16 culture centers. A lot of pictures, planes, elevations and sect... |
ISmall Culture ڹ 32, 19, 22, ȭ 16 89 ǰ Ͽ 뵵 ǰ 캼 ְ ߴ. , ǰ 10~15 ܺ ... |
I-FOCUS , (Set) [Concept, Diagram & Facade, Detail]    |
US $320, KR \320,000 US $218, KR \217,600 |
The new edition of " I-FOCUS , " introduces 132 projects of Housing∙Commerce∙Office∙Culture∙Education and Public facility recently completed in the wor... |
Ⱓ " I-FOCUS , " ֱ ϰ 132 ְ∙∙ǽ∙ȭ∙∙ü Ұϰ ִ. ־ , ̾... |
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000 |
I-OFFICE introduces a total of 85 works classified by 1-5th floor(33 projects), 6-10th floor(29), 11-20th floor(10) and more than 21st floor(13). By presenting the innovative de... |
I•OFFICE ֱ ϰ 85 ǰ ϰ 1-5(33), 6-10(29), 11-20(10), 21 ̻(13) Ͽ Ұν ǹ Ը ǰ •... |
I-HOUSING 3    |
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000 |
IHOUSING where one can grasp the global housing trend holds 23 Europe, 34 America, 14 Oceania, 36 Asia and 18 apartment houses, total of 125 recently completed works. This ... |
IHOUSING ֱ ϰ 23, Ƹī 34, ƴϾ 14, ƽþ 36, 18 125 ǰ ִ. å ٲ, ӵ ذ ... |
A-Detail (6.vols) set    |
US $558, KR \528,000 US $279, KR \264,000 |
"A-Detail" maximizes differentiation from other single books by adding a high level of detailed materials which cannot be easily found on the internet as well as basic materials... |
"A-Detail" ֱ ϰ ǹ Ͽ ܺ ̹, , Ը, ܸ, ̾ ⺻ ڷ ƴ϶ ͳݿ ... |
2019 AW ༼ (Archiworld) 284-295 (vol.12)   |
US $288, KR \288,000 US $120, KR \120,000 |
"Monthly Archiworld" was presently published since its first publication in 1995 and it plays the leading role to distribute the most convenient and useful architectural technol... |
< ༼> 1995 ù â Ⱓǿ , ϰ ǿ ȭ Ұϴ 弭 ϰ ִ.
迡 Ǵ & , ... |
2018 AW ༼ (Archiworld) 272-283 (vol.12)   |
US $240, KR \240,000 US $100, KR \100,000 |
"Monthly Archiworld" was presently published since its first publication in 1995 and it plays the leading role to distribute the most convenient and useful architectural technol... |
< ༼> 1995 ù â Ⱓǿ , ϰ ǿ ȭ Ұϴ 弭 ϰ ִ.
迡 Ǵ & , ... |
Interior World 141~150 (10.vols)   |
US $420, KR \350,000 US $315, KR \262,500 |
Interior World (iw) shows divided interior spaced under the various theme ; Residence, Office, Hotel, Clinic, Education, Fashion shop, Childrens space, etc. to transmit organiz... |
(iw) ü ϰ ְ, 繫, ȣ, Ƿ, , мǼ, پ зϿ Ұϰ ִ. ǰ ߰Ͽ ... |
THEME_Landscape + Architecture Vol. 3, 4 (Set)    |
US $230, KR \258,000 US $138, KR \154,800 |
THEME2_Landscape + Architecture is a series of books consisting completed and planned works in landscaping and architectural field by themes. The Volume 1 introduces parks, st... |
THEME2_Landscape + ArchitectureǴ , о ϰ ǰ å̴. 1 , &, &, 2 Ʈ&Ʈ, ְŽü&,... |