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Item Total 16 ( 16 ǰ Ǿϴ.)
US $86, KR \86,000 US $70, KR \70,000
COMMERCIAL 44 HOUSING introduces 44 works of commercial housing in Korea along with photographs, drawings, diagrams, and sketches. It is expected that it will inspire the arc... COMMERCIAL 44 HOUSING 44 ǰ , , ̾׷, ġ Բ ҰѴ. ܼ 󰡷μ Ѿ ָ Ÿ ݿ ࿡ ...
Ʈ1_ //
US $86, KR \86,000 US $70, KR \70,000
SUBURBAN 50 HOUSING contains 50 works of country houses, villas, and luxury houses in various regions such as Asia, Europe, and America, along with photos, drawings, diagrams,... SUBURBAN 50 HOUSING ƽþ, , Ƹ޸ī پ ִ , , 50 ǰ , , ̾׷, ġ Բ Ͽ.
AW ༼ (Archiworld)
US $320, KR \320,000 US $0, KR \0
"Monthly Archiworld" has presently published since its first publication in 1995 and it plays the leading role in distributing the most convenient and useful architectural techn... < ༼> 1995 ù â Ⱓǿ , ϰ ǿ ȭ Ұϴ 弭 ϰ ִ. 迡 ޵Ǵ & , ...
US $195, KR \208,000 US $150, KR \160,000
Recently, due to formation of various residential areas in the city, the demand for practical neighborhood living facilities that help the living convenience of the residents ar... ֱ پ ְ ֹε Ȱ Ǹ ǿ ٸȰü 䰡 ð ִ. ̿ ༼ е ֵ û Ծ IURBAN ...
US $195, KR \208,000 US $150, KR \160,000
Archiworld publishes ISMALL APARTMENT with the support of readers and requests from clientsrapid increase in single-person households and the unresolved urban housing shortage... ISMALL APARTMENT 1 Ҿ ؼҵ ʴ ְų ұԸ , ǿ̰ ո ๰ û ݿϿ. ֱ ...
I-Small Building
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000
This book is published as a series of < I⋅SMALL BUILDING>, the book published and greatly applauded by readers last year. It focuses on small and medium-sized structures w... å ߰Ǿ ڵ ũ ū ົ < I⋅SMALL BUILDING> ļ ߰Ǿ. Ը ࿡ Ͽ Ը ߼ұԸ ๰ ...
׸ Ű Theme Architecture 1~6
US $76, KR \72,000 US $63, KR \60,000
TA(Theme Architecture) Series is a work collection by themes, in order to provide in-depth information for architecture we can see around. This book is planned as a series con... 츮 ֺ ִ ๰ ɵִ ϰ ׸ ǰ TA(Theme Architecture/׸ ) Series ߰ߴ. å ֱ ϰǰ ...
I-Small Culture
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000
I-Small Culture introduces a total of 89 works consisting of 32 museums, 19 galleries, 22 performance halls, 16 culture centers. A lot of pictures, planes, elevations and sect... ISmall Culture ڹ 32, 19, 22, ȭ 16 89 ǰ Ͽ 뵵 ǰ 캼 ְ ߴ. , ǰ 10~15 ܺ ...
I-FOCUS , (Set)
[Concept, Diagram & Facade, Detail]
US $320, KR \320,000 US $218, KR \217,600
The new edition of " I-FOCUS , " introduces 132 projects of Housing∙Commerce∙Office∙Culture∙Education and Public facility recently completed in the wor... Ⱓ " I-FOCUS , " ֱ ϰ 132 ְ∙∙ǽ∙ȭ∙∙ü Ұϰ ִ. ࿡ ־ , ̾׷...
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000
I-OFFICE introduces a total of 85 works classified by 1-5th floor(33 projects), 6-10th floor(29), 11-20th floor(10) and more than 21st floor(13). By presenting the innovative de... I•OFFICE ֱ ϰ 85 ǰ ϰ 1-5(33), 6-10(29), 11-20(10), 21 ̻(13) Ͽ Ұν ǹ Ը ǰ •...
US $185, KR \198,000 US $126, KR \135,000
IHOUSING where one can grasp the global housing trend holds 23 Europe, 34 America, 14 Oceania, 36 Asia and 18 apartment houses, total of 125 recently completed works. This ... IHOUSING ֱ ϰ 23, Ƹ޸ī 34, ƴϾ 14, ƽþ 36, 18 125 ǰ ִ. å ٲ, ޼ӵ ذ ...
A-Detail (6.vols) set
US $558, KR \528,000 US $279, KR \264,000
"A-Detail" maximizes differentiation from other single books by adding a high level of detailed materials which cannot be easily found on the internet as well as basic materials... "A-Detail" ֱ ϰ ǹ Ͽ ๰ ܺ ̹, , Ը, ܸ, ̾׷ ⺻ ڷ ƴ϶ ͳݿ ...
2019 AW ༼ (Archiworld) 284-295 (vol.12)
US $288, KR \288,000 US $120, KR \120,000
"Monthly Archiworld" was presently published since its first publication in 1995 and it plays the leading role to distribute the most convenient and useful architectural technol... < ༼> 1995 ù â Ⱓǿ , ϰ ǿ ȭ Ұϴ 弭 ϰ ִ. 迡 ޵Ǵ & , ...
2018 AW ༼ (Archiworld) 272-283 (vol.12)
US $240, KR \240,000 US $100, KR \100,000
"Monthly Archiworld" was presently published since its first publication in 1995 and it plays the leading role to distribute the most convenient and useful architectural technol... < ༼> 1995 ù â Ⱓǿ , ϰ ǿ ȭ Ұϴ 弭 ϰ ִ. 迡 ޵Ǵ & , ...
Interior World 141~150 (10.vols)
US $420, KR \350,000 US $315, KR \262,500
Interior World (iw) shows divided interior spaced under the various theme ; Residence, Office, Hotel, Clinic, Education, Fashion shop, Childrens space, etc. to transmit organiz... ׸ (iw) ü ׸ ϰ ְ, 繫, ȣ, Ƿ, , мǼ,  پ ׸ зϿ Ұϰ ִ. ׸ ǰ ߰Ͽ ...
THEME_Landscape + Architecture Vol. 3, 4 (Set)
US $230, KR \258,000 US $138, KR \154,800
THEME2_Landscape + Architecture is a series of books consisting completed and planned works in landscaping and architectural field by themes. The Volume 1 introduces parks, st... THEME2_Landscape + ArchitectureǴ , о ϰ ǰ ׸ å̴. 1 , &, &, 2 Ʈ&Ʈ, ְŽü&,...
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